Understanding your Partners is key for Channel Enablement. This month we're looking at ways to improve your Partners' Journey for 2017.
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August 23, 2016

The Partner Journey 

Letter From the CEO

As summer comes to a close (okay not just yet, but soon), we start to think about finishing strong in 2016 and planning for 2017.

Over the course of this year, I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with many of you who are taking a step back and analyzing your Partner effectiveness.


Heather K. Margolis,

Founder and CEO

Maybe you’re realizing that over the past 2-3 years Partners have not used your resources the way you want. Maybe they're distracted by the new shiny product or program, maybe they’ve felt overwhelmed and maybe your Partner Journey isn’t clear.

When looking at your Partner Journey let's keep the conversations going.

These blogs will help: 

3 Ways to Improve the Channel Partners Journey


Like the Buyers' Journey are you helping your Channel Partners down their Partner Journey?


SMB Tips from Successful Channel Partners


New Video from Channel Maven Consulting:

Driving More Business Through Your Channel




Thanks for tuning in! Let us know how we can help and enjoy the last of summer,



Channel Maven Update


Sheila O'Neil,

VP of Channel Strategy

We’ve heard so much about the evolving “buyer’s journey” in the last few years, but in the Channel, we've just started talking about how the Partner Journey is changing.

Gone are the days where Vendors steered the ship. Today, Partners have so many different Vendor options and they’re doing their research.

So how are they choosing Vendors? It all comes down to ease of doing business. Okay and a good product. Partners won’t sell a bad product no matter how great your resources and program.

For Partners, everything should be easy and transparent starting with the courtship. Partners expect to know up front the support that is offered, the investment they need to make, and what their ultimate payback will look like.

As Vendors work to woo the modern Partner, the journey becomes one of answering those questions early and building and strengthening relationships with Partners through all stages: awareness, consideration, and conversion.

Yep, that’s right. The journey isn’t over after recruitment. Not even close.

The channel is moving at the speed of technology and the Vendor-Partner relationship needs to continually evolve for both parties to be happy and profitable.

This evolution may mean updating enablement tools, helping Partners hurdle technology roadblocks, offering competitive incentives, and so on. The key is to understand that keeping up your partnership relationship is the real journey. 

 The Partner Journey 


Partner Journey News 

From Zift Soultions:

5 Key Ingredients to a Positive & Profitable Partner Experience

"Many channel organizations claim that creating and sustaining a rewarding Partner Experience tops their list of priorities, few actually know exactly where to start."


Scott England - VP Alliances and Strategic Relationships, Zift Solutions

From CCI Channel Wisdom [podcast]:

Vuja De - Driving Channel Innovation with Sal Patalano

Sal discusses why channel professionals need to reject the status quo and instead look at our daily practices from different angles to find a better approach.  


Sal Patalano - Chief Revenue Officer, Lenovo Software 

From Computer Market Research:

Content in the Portal: How to address the Partner Journey

"Empowering Channel Partners to be motivated, knowledgeable and productive doesn't happen overnight or without a plan." 

From Tamara McCleary [Video]:

Janet Schijns: Millennials Talk the Power of Channel Partners


Channel Happenings


Like the partner journey, today’s partners have changed. With more companies moving to the cloud, the need for servers in the back office is declining.

Through these shifts, a different type of buyer has emerged. These new buyers include CPAs, Marketing and Advertising agencies, architects and construction engineers, medical reps, HR consultants – and they all want Vendors to help them understand how technology can enable their business to make it more productive, profitable, and successful.

We’re thrilled to sponsor November’s Specialized Channel Focus, the Channel’s newest event brought to you by Baptie & Co. At the two-day conference attendees will learn and discuss the latest research from industry experts and leading Channel organizations. Even better, they’ll leave with proven strategies to successfully drive business through these new exciting routes to market.



Register today!


Channel Maven Spotlight 


While your Partners' journey has changed, their sales and marketing strategies are sometimes slow to keep up. They're struggling to sell their solutions, including yours. So how do you train, engage, and invigorate your Partners' Marketing and Sales team to drive more demand in today's digital landscape?


Enter The Channel Maven Consulting Partner Demand Gen Rally Station™. Armed with Channel demand generation consultants and a professional photographer, our stations show Partners how to optimize their online presence in real time to see results offline. They'll walk away with best practices for key social media platforms, as well as a plan for building and nurturing relationships with an integrated sales and marketing strategy. 

Interested in having a Partner Demand Gen Rally Station™ at your next event?

Learn more here.